Components for Radiant Heating and Cooling capillary tube mat


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Greatacapillary tube mat Components for Radiant Heating and Cooling

The capillary tubes mat are made from high quality polypropylene (PP-R) – an environmentally friendly. and safe plastic with excellent thermal management and elasticity properties.
Material: PP-R (Polypropylene Random Copolymer)
ø  Main pipe:
20 x 2 mm
ø  Capillary tube:
4.3 x 0.8 mm OR 3.4 x 0.55 mm
Distance between capillaries:
10-20-30-40-60 mm
Length: Type S: 600 – 8000 mm Type G: 600-16000 mm
Width: 150 – 1000 mm
Spec. exchange surface:
0,72 – 1,05 m² / m² capillary mat surface
Spec. weight:
ca. 190 – 880 g / m² capillary mat surface
Spec. water capacity:
0,2 – 0,57 l / m² capillary mat surface
Spec. total weight:
ca. 390 – 1450 g / m² capillary mat surface (without main pipes)
Colour: green, light grey, neutral white (can be tinted, if necessary)
Maximum temperature in the system: +50° C
Optimal input temperature for heating:
+ 28-32° C
Optimal input temperature for cooling:
+ 16-18 ° C
Optimal pressure in the system: 2-3 bar
Greata Factory test pressure: 20 bar