capillary tube mats

Advantages of the capillary heating system Greata Hydro Low temperature heating


sufficient flow temperature of +25-30°C due to the large-area cover with capillary tubes

Choice of energy sources

Use with various energy sources such as central heating, gas boiler, pellet boiler, heat pump, etc.

Reduced circulation of dust, viruses and bacteria in the room

Significantly reduced circulation of dust, viruses and bacteria along with airflow, which is particularly important to limit the spread of COVID-19

Comfort level

does not cause dry air and creates a pleasant indoor climate

Cost savings

excellent cost savings in combination with different types of heat pumps

Saving of finishing materials

requires less dry concrete (screed) and other leveling materials for underfloor heating

Extensive installation options

Can be installed on the floor, ceiling or wall and in combination with a room cooling system

Read more about the cooling system ›

Reducing CO2 emissions

According to a report by an independent expert in the field of energy efficiency, SIA “Ekodoma”, based on the characteristics of the system, the amount of CO2 generated by the Greata capillary system per year is 3.25 kg CO2/m2 less than that of conventional underfloor heating and 5.9 kg CO2/m2 less than the radiator system.

Energy source

The water capillary mat system can be connected to various heat/cold sources.

capillary tube mats

Advantages of the capillary heating system Greata Hydro Low temperature heating

greata capillary tube mat ,Cooling and Heating System of capillary tube mat

underfloor heating; Inside ceiling and wall heating

Heating and cooling, if the system is installed in the ceiling or walls.

The ceiling is the largest free space in the room, so it is recommended to mount the system on the ceiling and supplement it with installation on the walls or floor, if it is necessary to provide more heating or cooling performance.



Large capillary system efficiency

When calculating the required heating and cooling capacity in a room, the thermal conductivity of the selected finishing material must be taken into account. The higher it is, the higher the efficiency of the heating and cooling system.

In the case of capillary heating, a person feels a temperature of 2-3 degrees higher than the air temperature in the room.

Read more about the planning of heating systems ›

Comparison of capillary heating Greata Water with other underfloor heating systems

To ensure even heating of the floor surface:

Flow temperature (+35-40°C

Tubes: 17 x 2.0 mm

Distance between pipes: 150 mm

Dry concrete layer (screed): min. 60 mm

Flow temperature (+25-30°C

Capillary tubes: 4.3 x 0.8mm

Distance between capillaries: 30 mm

Dry concrete layer (screed): min. 20 mm
