Installation method

For cooling purposes, it is recommended to install Greata capillary mats either in the ceiling (under various finishing materials) or in a loosely stretched manner, incl. under a decorative grid. “Gentle” floor cooling is also possible by installing capillary mats in the floor, but a ceiling cooling system is more efficient.
The ceiling surface temperature will be approx. 19°C only at a difference of 2 to 3 K between supply (15°C to 17°C) and reverse (17°C to 19°C). Each control area is equipped with one or more dew point sensors to safely monitor and prevent the risk of condensation. The dew point must be carefully monitored for all surface cooling systems. While the sensor detects condensate, the flow through the mats is stopped either by closing the control valve or by gradually increasing the supply temperature.
This is rare in practice, as radiant cooling ceilings are often combined with support ventilation to cope with latent cooling loads. Ventilation is also required to provide all users with fresh air. The relative humidity here is controlled by ventilation and maintained in a user-friendly and non-critical dew-point range – approx. 50-55% relative humidity. Removal of a reasonable cooling load is done using a radiant cooling ceiling. For this reason, the air exchange rate can be reduced to the minimum hygienically required (approximately 0.3 to 2 times per hour, depending on the type of building), as well as reducing the size and energy costs of the ventilation equipment.