technical data capillary mat

Capillary tube mats are currently the most effective system for distributing /discharging energy and that the capillary cooling and heating-System can be operated at low temperature.The capillary tube mat is made of polypropylene with capillary tubes that branch off the main inlet flow at very short distances (1 to 4 cm). 

Therefore, the Capillary mat cooling and hoting -System has a very large surface density.With inlet temperatures of only 20°-25 ° C , a comfortable room climate can be ensured. The radiant energy of the greata cooling and hoting-System (both for heating and cooling) is an important factor for the well-being and comfort of the room occupant. 

The phenomenon of the radiant energy enables the application of the capillary tube mats at the ceiling and thereby the possibility to exhaust the total ceiling area instead of floor and/or wall heating and cooling without being confronted with constructional expenditure required for any floor and/or wall application.

The ability of the greata-System of humidity absorption and desorption ensures a constantly relative air humidity between 40% and 60%.The low inlet temperatures may be generated with CO2-neutral, renewable energy sources (such as air or soil heat pumps, photovoltaic, solar thermal, biomass generators, geothermal sources such as wells or cisterns, small wind turbines etc.).


Advantage of capillary tube mats

Silent central air-conditioning system

Capillary tube mat can be used as heat exchange terminal of air conditioning system for cooling and heating of buildings, and can be used for plastering building surface, gypsum formwork and metal mold box ceiling. The products with different specifications from Greata can be ideally used in different building forms. Product specifications are basically divided into G type, U type and S type according to the flow form of pipeline liquid. Products with different spacing provide different refrigeration and heating performance.

why select capillary mat

No machine and no different temperature in the room, even temperature in every corner.

  • avoidance of condensate problems when in case of cold outside temperature humid and cold air from outside meets onto up-heated room air
  • applicable for use in moderate as well as subtropical climate
  • perfect combination of inside insulating plaster and greata-System

Investment Costs

 Amortize its investment costs due to its considerable savings in energy costs. The amortization period may be calculated by comparing energy costs before and after installation of the Greata capillary tube mats system. At the same time this potential of amortization opens the possibility of financing the investment costs via long-term energy contracting with and through contracting companies by financing and paying-off the investment costs partly or mainly by means of the achieved energy costs savings.

The Advantages of the capillary System in short:

Maintenance free – no changing of filters or checking of burners.The capillary grid can be connected with the system waterway through simple hot melt welding or coupling quick connectors during installation, which is safe, reliable and convenient to install. The capillary pipe network is made of 100% new materials. Tianshu products can guarantee strict German quality and provide a 15 year long product warranty.

Overview: What's advantages for capillary tube mats?

Advantages of Capillary Tube Technology

  • Particularly energy efficient
  • Even heat distribution
  • Suitable for heating and cooling
  • Diverse uses
  • Wide assortment
  • Good value for money

How capillary tube mats system works

Applying the efficiency demand and as a general requirement, heating as well as cooling should be combined in one system only. This is being provided by the capillary mat cooling and heating-System which, by doing so, offers a decisive advantage compared to conventional systems.
The innovative core of the cooling and heating capillary tube mat-System consists of the – as far as known – worldwide first combination of a mineral calcium-silicate insulation panel of high hygroscopicity, a water-filled capillary tube mat and a highly efficient and permeable basic and fine plaster .

The capillary cooling and heating cooling-System may be applied at :

> the ceiling
> the wall
> the floor (however, cooling needs the combination with wall or ceiling)

and is applicable for both new or old buildings, in particular in all monument-listed buildings for which an outside insulation would be excluded in view of their unchangeable façades.
